The Hesperian Harp, Dr. William Hauser, 1848
Welcome to my web site which contains links to all the music from The Hesperian Harp, the largest, and arguably the best, of the shape-note tune books of the Nineteenth Century. The Hesperian Harp contains music mostly in the idiom of the most widely used contemporary four-shape tune book, "The Sacred Harp", which appears in three different editions, or in any of several other in print four or seven-shape books containing similar music. Here are Hauser's own title page and preface: [Title Page] [Preface]
I had started with a somewhat dog-eared fragmentary copy of the book kindly furnished by Richard Hulan, and with that copy and some further copies sent me by Charles Wells, originally had about two-thirds of the book posted. Later I aquired photocopies of the entire book from the most thoughtful John Bayer, and now all the music pages are available on this site. Please feel free to offer criticisms and suggestions for improvement. You can contact me at Berkley Moore.
In the following Table of Contents, unless stated otherwise, comparison tunes are from "The Sacred Harp", missing or incorrect composer attributions are provided in parentheses, and. reference to other commonly used tune names refer to those in various Nineteenth Century tune books. An asterisk* indicates that a title is NOT the title having exactly the same name in The Sacred Harp 1991.
Hauser's Indices: first page [One], second page [Two], third page [Three]
Abby [67]
Abingdon (Jones, 1820) [462]
Afflicted Zion [546]
Aiken [169] (aka "Meditation")
Akron [66]
Alabama [190] (cf "The Prodigal", page [150] )
Alabama (concluded) [191]
Alabama* [181]
Albion [201]
Alexander* [474]
All is Well (two arrangements) [486]
All is Well (second arrangement concluded) [487]
All Saints New [447]
All Saints New (concluded) [448]
Alstead [108]
Alstead (concluded) [109]
Alton [144]
America [210]
America* [489]
American Gratitude [480] (aka "Hayden", "Lyttleton")
American Gratitude (concluded) [481]
American Star*, The [550]
Amherst [409]
Amity [246]
Amsterdam (Foundry Collection) [331]
Angel's Hymn [11]
Angels' Song [359] [Midi]
Angels' Whisper [544]
Animation [192] (aka "This World is not my Home")
Annapolis [450]
Athem of Praise [525] (aka "O Praise God in his Holiness")
Athem of Praise (concluded) [526]
Anticipation [103] (cf "The Child of Grace"]
Anticipation [424] (aka "Refuge", "Hedding", "Born to Die", "[The] Solemn Inquiry", "Heavenly Spark" is variant in The Missouri Harmony 2005)
Arlington [52]
Arnheim (Samuel Holyoke, 1791) [30]
Asbury [100]
Ashville [147] (aka "Divine Inquiry")
Atkinson [473] (cf "Imandra New")
Atlanta [40] (cf "Mission")
Atlanta ((concluded)) [41]
Augusta [134]
Auld Lang Syne [537] (cf "Plenary")
Austin [216]
Autumn Leaves [470]
Averet [41]
Away the Bowl [541] (aka "Lorinda")
Aylesbury (anon. 1718) [2]
Azmon (adapted from Glaser) [144]
Babel's Streams (Stephen Jenks, 1811) [173]
Babylon is Fallen* [291]
Babylonian Captivity (Elkanah Kelsey Dare, 1813) [266]
Backslider [197] [Midi]
Backslider's Sorrow [209]
Baldwin [197] (cf "Sing to Me of Heaven")
Balerma [95]
Ballstown [25]
Bannockburn [432] (version of "Bruce's Address, page [430] in minor mode)
Barbauld [173]
Barby (William Tans'ur, 1742) [119]
Bartimeus [314] (cf "Charlestown")
Begone Unbelief [303] [Midi]
Behold the Lamb of God [274]
Bellevue* (Gore, 1813) [401]
Berne [73] [Midi]
Bethel Street [44]
Bethel Street ((concluded)) [45]
Bethelsdorf [110] (cf "Bethel")
Blackburn [61]
Bladensburg (Lewis Edson, 1801) [61] (aka "Canaan")
Blairsville [243] (aka "Weeping Savior")
Blake [95]
Blue Bird, The [429] [Midi]
Bonnie Doon [29]
Bounding Billows [247]
Bourbon [8]
Bower of Prayer, The [327]
Boylston (Lowell Mason, 1832) [246]
Bray (anon, 1763) [64]
Break of Day [427]
Brentwood (Jacob Kimball, 1800) [196]
Bridgetown [214] [Midi]
Bridgewater [12]
Brimmer [204]
Bristol [380]
Brownson [186]
Brownson ((concluded)) [187]
Brownsville [217] (cf "Restoration, #312b)Buena Vista [99]
Bruce's Address [430] (cf "Bannockburn", page [432] )
Buckfield (Abraham Maxim, 1802) [428]
Burdened Pilgrim [162]
Burnsville [190]
Caldwell [26]
Caldwell's Funeral Thought (generally known simply as "Funeral Thought") [373]
Calhoun [68] [Midi]
Calvary [74]
Calvary New [121]
Cambridge [99]
Camden [40]
Campbell [181]
Canaan (Johnson's Tennessee Harmony, 1818) [121]
Captive's Song, The [176] (aka "Missionary's Adieu")
Carlisle [34]
Carlisle (concluded) [35]
Carmarthen [394]
Carnsville [362]
Caroline [111] (aka "Land of Rest")
Carvosso [31]
Cedar Bluff [167] (aka "Come Friends Go With Me")
Chalmers (Hugh Wilson) [476] (aka "Sacred Throne", "The Christian's Desire", "The Penitent's Prayer", "Avon")
Chariott of Mercy, The [290] (aka "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms")
Chattanooga [107] (aka "Fairfield")
Cheerful Hope (The Christian Lyre, 1831) [239]
Cheering Thought [485]
Chester [13]
Childhood's Gladness [488]
Childhood's Gladness (concluded) [489]
Children's Hosanna [467] (aka "New Hosanna", "Hosanna")
China [57]
Christian Dirge (Dr. John Clarke) [372] (cf "Hymn" in The Southern Harmony)
Christian Travelers [185] (cf "Irwinton", aka "Resignation")
Christian Triumph [113] (cf "Pisgah", page [112] )
Christian Volunteers [94]
Christian's Delight* [258]
Christian's Hope [354]
Christmas Hymn (William Knapp, 1743) [275] [Midi]
Cincinnati [353] [Midi] (cf "Invocation", page [365] , also"Judgment" in The Southern Harmony)
Cincinnati (different song) [172]
Clamanda (A Supplement to the Kentucky Harmony, 1820) [28]
Claremont (Temple and Merill, 1799) [492]
Claremont (second page) [493]
Claremont (third page) [494]
Claremont (concluded) [495]
Clemmons (James C Lowry, 1820) [130] (aka "Jerusalem")
Collins [323]
Columbus (The Columbian Harmony, 1829) [128]
Come Ye Disconsolate [184]
Communion (Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music. Part Second,, 1813) [140] (cf "Tennesse"on this same page, also "Ragan")
Complainer [416]
Complaint [382] (cf "God's Eternal" in The B. F. White Sacred Harp ["Cooper book"])
Concert [198] [Midi] (cf The Missouri Harmony 2005 for a three-part arrangement by Elisha West)
Concord (Oliver Holden, 1793) [196]
Concordia [186]
Condescension (arranged Ananias Davisson, 1817) [63] (Called "Melody" in Cooper & J L White Sacred Harps)
Confidence* [349] [Midi]
Connecticut ([Lyman?] Ives, 1792) [442]
Connecticut (concluded) [443]
Conquering Soldier [315] (cf "Pilgrim", page [392] )
Consolation* (L Chapin, 1812) [58]
Consolation New (Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music. Part Second,, 1813) [450]
Consolation New (concluded) [451]
Conversion (Supply Belcher, 1794)[141]
Converted Thief, The (William Moore, 1825) [152]
Conway [168]
Corinth [43]
Cornelia [267]
Coronation [129]
Creation (probably Elijah Griswold, 1793) [231] (cf "Creation" in The Christian Harmony, AL imprint)
Crucifixion (arranged Ananias Davisson, 1820) [273]
Cumberland [302] (called "Bellevue" in The Sacred Harp 1991)
Cumberland (Elijah Griswold, 1796) [458]
Cumberland (concluded) [459]
Cumberland New [189]
Dalston (anon. 1763) [245]
Darley [256] (called "Union" in The Sacred Harp 1991)
Dauphin (Jacob French) [218]
Danid's Lamentation (William Billings, 1778) [501]
David's Victory [442]
Davis (Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music. Part Second,, 1813) [270]
Davis' Experience [441] (aka "Redemption")
Davisson's Retirement [13]
Day of Worship [51]
Day-Spring [279]
De Beza [426]
DeKalb [276]
Delight [381]
Departing Saint [46] (arrangement of "Parting Hand")
Dependance [250] (cf "The Leperous Man" in The Missouri Harmony 2005) [Midi]
Depravity (Daniel Read, 1793) [164]
Derrick [170] (Called "Augusta" in Cooper & J L White Sacred Harps)
Detroit [158]
Devizes (Tucker, 1792) [130]
Devotion [7]
Devotion* (Amariah Hall, 1793) [459]
Devotion* (concluded) [460]
Devotion* (Daniel Read) [7]
Disciple [222] (aka "Almighty Father")
Dismission [8]
Dominion (Daniel Read, 1798) [375] [Midi]
Doomsday (Abraham Wood, 1794) [218]
Douglas [254]
Dove of Peace [149]
Dover (Timothy Swan) [19]
Drink, The [532]
Drummond [289]
Drunkard's Burial, The [530] [Midi]
Drunkard's Wife [543]
Duane Street [49]
Dublin [127]
Duke Street [20]
Dundee [126]
Dunlap's Creek (Samuel McFarland, 1814) [100]
Dwight [475]
Dying Pilgrim, The [250]
Easter Anthem [514]
Easter Anthem (second page) [515]
Easter Anthem (concluded) [516]
Easter Hymn (Lyra Davidica, 1708) [178]
Easter Hymn (concluded) [179]
Ebenezer [340]
Ecstasy* (Abijah Forbush, 1806) [533]
Eden [403]
Edgefield [307]
Edneyville [193] [Midi]
Edom (Elisha West, 1797) [77]
Eighty-Ninth Psalm (anon, 1786) [350]
Elevation [116] (aka "Brightest Days")
Eliza [86]
Ellison [311]
Elysian [338]
Elysian (concluded) [339]
Emerald Gates [338] [Midi]
Emory [97] (cf "Cross of Christ")
Enfield [72]
Erie (Justin Morgan, 1790) [472] (aka "Wethersfield)
Eustacy [361]
Evening Shade (Stephen Jenks, 1805) [199]
Exhortation (Doolittle, 1800) [343]
Exhortation (Hibbard, 1796) [86]
Expostulation [297] [Midi]
Exultation [294]
Fading, Still Fading [410]
Fairfield (two arrangements) [62]
Faithful Soldier, The [317] (cf "Faithful Soldier" in The Christian Harmony)
Faithless World, The [183]
Family Bible*, The [310]
Family Bible*, The (concluded) [311]
Fancy's Vision [182]
Farabee [68] [Midi]
Farewell Anthem [527]
Farewell Anthem (second page) [528]
Farewell Anthem (concluded) [529]
Few Happy Matches [402]
Fidelity [366]
Fiducia [67]
Findley [117]
Florida [263]
Flower of Calvary [369]
Floyd [176]
Friendship* (An 18th Century popular song found in shape-note books beginning in 1813) [391]
Frozen Heart [42]
Funeral Anthem [524]
Funeral Anthem (concluded) [525]
Funeral Thought (Isaac Smith) [59]
Gaines [122]
Ganges (American Musical Miscellany, 1798) [422] (aka "The Indian Philosopher")
Garden (Newcomb) [32]
Garden (concluded) [33]
Garden Hymn [357] [Midi] (cf "Spring Hill") [Midi]
Garland [114] [Midi]
Geneva [226]
Georgia* [58]
Gethsemane [351]
Glasgow [17]
Glenroy [123]
Glorious Prospect [241]
Golden Hill (two arrangements) [211]
Golgotha [164]
Good Physician [301] (aka "Love to Jesus", "Desire to See Jesus")
Good Shepherd [207] (cf "Mullins")
Gospel Among the Indians, The [281]
Gospel Armour [15]
Gospel Morning (George J Webb, c1831) [288]
Gospel Trumpet (John Cole, 1799) [330] (cf "Gospel Trumpet")
Grafton [132] (aka "If Christ be in my Arms")
Grafton (concluded) [133]
Grateful Tears [299]
Green Hills of Canaan, The [384] (cf "The Dying Christian")
Greenfield [382]
Greenfield (concluded) [383]
Greenfields (as arranged The Missouri Harmony, 1820) [345]
Greenville [255] (cf "Sweet Affliction")
Hail Columbia (possibly Philip Phile, 1789) [547]
Hail Columbia (concluded) [548]
Hail to the Cause [534]
Hail to the Cause (concluded) [535]
Haines [34]
Hallelujah (ascribed Harrison) [27]
Hallelujah [102]
Hamburgh [360]
Hamilton [96] (aka "Felicity") (cf "Oxford")
Hanover (David Russ, 1791) [78]
Happy Land [267]
Harrison [301] (aka "Good Physician")
Hartford (Elihu Carpenter, 1779) [453]
Haven [177]
Heavenly March [192] (cf "Cleburne")
Heavenly March (concluded) [193]
Heavenly Union* [233] [Midi] (Cf "The New Union" in Jeremiah Ingalls' The Christian Harmony, 1805)
Heavenly Vision [502]
Heavenly Vision (second page) [503]
Heavenly Vision (third page) [504]
Heavenly Vision (concluded) [505]
Heavenly Welcome [482]
Heavenly Welcome (concluded) [483]
Heavenly Wisdom ("Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes") [104]
Hebron (Lowell Mason, 1823) [27]
Hermit, The [272]
Highbridge (from The Missouri Harmony, 1820) [37] [Midi]
Hinton [482]
Holly Springs* [174]
Holly Springs* (concluded) [175]
Holy City* [374]
Holy Manna (two arrangements) [244]
Home [47]
Home, Sweet Home [296] (aka "Sweet Home")
Hope (called "Devonshire" in Scottish tune book, 1802) [243] (cf "Sweet Hope" in The Christian Harmony, NC imprint, #46b)
Hope Hull [363]
Horeb [432]
Horeb (concluded) [433]
Houston [82]
How Charming is Jesus [319] [Midi] (cf "Oh! How Charming" in The Christian Harmony)
How Kind the Saviour's Love [461]
Humble Penitent, The [16] (cf "Restoration", #312b)
Huntingdon [436] (aka "Huntington")
Huntingdon (concluded) [437]
Huntsville [109]
Iantha [227]
Idumea (Ananias Davisson, 1816) [224]
Imandra [316]
Immensity (Eliakim Doolittle) [32]
Immortality (a version of "Columbus", another song on the same page) [128]
Immortality (concluded) [129]
Importunity [255] (cf "Sweet Affliction")
Impressive Hour [313]
Indian's Farewell [318]
Indian's Petition [463]
Indiana [304]
Inebriate's Lament [548]
Ingratitude [229] [Midi] (aka "Botecourt")
Inspiration [182]
Invitation [438]
Invitation New [325] (cf "Return Again")
Invocation [365] (cf "Cincinnati", page [353] )
Iredell [16]
Irwin [143]
Isle of Patmos [124] [Midi] (aka "Patmos")
Isle of Wight [35]
Isles of the South [284]
Jackson* [38] [Midi]
Jefferson (Johnson's Tennessee Harmony, 1818) [202]
Jehalah [10]
Jerusalem New (B.F.White, 1835) [119] [Midi] (aka "Jerusalem")
Jeshurun [479] [Midi]
Jesus Crucified [393] (aka "Delight")
John the Baptist [499] (aka "Baptismal Anthem")
John the Baptist (concluded) [500]
Jonesborough [36]
Jordan [98]
Joyful News [485]
Joyful Sound (probably Asahel Benham, 1790) [139] [Midi]
Joyful Spring (generally known simply as "Spring") [385]
Jubilee (A Supplement to the Kentucky Harmony, 1820) [223]
Jubilee Trump, The [390]
Judgment (Boyd) [194]
Judgment (Read) [406]
Judgment (Nehemiah Shumway) [194]
Judgment (concluded) [195]
Judgment Anthem (Justin Morgan, 1790) [506]
Judgment Anthem (second page) [507]
Judgment Anthem (third page) [508]
Judgment Anthem (fourth page) [509]
Judgment Anthem (fifth page) [510]
Judgment Anthem (sixth page) [511]
Judgment Anthem (seventh page) [512]
Judgment Anthem (concluded) [513]
(Judgment Anthem in The Missouri Harmony 2005, assumes Morgan's actual intention.was to modulate between e and E natural instead of E flat)
Justice (Solomon Chandler, 1786) [407]
Kedron (United States Sacred Harmony, 1799) [21]
Kershaw [326]
Kidder [466]
Kingsley [268] (aka "Frederick")
Kingston (United States Sacred Harmony, 1799) [189]
Kingswood [313]
Kingwood (Humphreys, 1820) [371]
Knight [364]
Knoxville [232]
La Grange [185]
Laban (Lowell Mason, 1830) [476]
Lamberton (Nehemiah Shumway, 1793) [253]
Land of Pleasure [153]
Landscape, The [348]
Landscape, The (concluded) [349]
Last Distiller, The [538]
Last Rose of Summer, The [483] (first published as hymn tune "St Denis", 1819)
Latrobe (Melchior Teschner, 1615) [158] (aka "St. Theodulph" in modern hymnals)
Leander [178]
Lebanon* [413]
Lebanon New [45]
Lena (Daniel Belknap, 1795) [309]
Lenox [388]
Lenox New [420] [Midi]
Liberty [79]
Liberty* (anon, 1813) [415]
Liberty Hall [56]
Light of Sabbath Eve, The [487]
Light Street [332]
Lisbon (Daniel Read) [230] (original fuging version)
Litchfield [14]
Liverpool (arranged MCH Davis, 1835) [83]
Livonia (anon, 1800) [344]
London New (The Psalmes of David in Verse and Meeter, 1635) [82]
Lonesome Dove, The [165]
Longstreet [237]
Lord Will Provide, The [300]
Louisiana* [213]
Lovely Story [395]
Lovely Vine (Jeremiah Ingalls' The Christian Harmony, 1805) [397]
Lovest Thou Me [171]
Loving-Kindness* [36]
Loving-Kindness* (concluded) [37]
Lucas [322]
Majesty (William Billings, 1787) [90]
Majesty New [50] [Midi]
Malette [209]
Maltese Boatman's Song [540]
Mansfield (anon. 1780) [224]
Mantua [81]
Marcellus [203]
Markham [70]
Martial Trumpet, The (J G Landrum and William Walker) [160]
Martyn ["Martin"] [206]
Mary's Lamb [464]
Masonic Dirge [155]
Maysville [175]
McNally [315]
Mear [4]
Mecklenberg [259]
Meditation [116]
Meditation (concluded) [117]
Meeting of the Waters [531]
Melinda [22]
Melodia (Merrick, 1793) [404]
Melody [278]
Messiah [78]
Methodist and Formalist [454]
Methodist and Formalist (concluded) [455]
Middlebury (Humphreys, c1823) [457] (cf "Jacob's Vision", "Molly Malone")
Middletown [180]
Midnight Cry (The Southern Harmony, 1835) [435]
Milford [131]
Minister's Farewell (two arrangements) (Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music. Part Second,, 1813) [106]
Miss Hathaway's Experience [421]
Missionaries in Palestine [283] (aka "Palestine")
Missionary Call [286]
Missionary Call (concluded) [287]
Missionary Hymn (Lowell Mason, 1824) [280]
Missionary Song [282]
Missionary's Farewell [285]
Missouri Mission [102]
Mitylene [319]
Mixture [240] [Midi]
Mocksville [208]
Monroe* (Smith, 1820) [287]
Montague [328]
Montgomery [84]
Morality [264]
Morality (another arrangement) [265]
Morgan (The Easy Instructor, Part II, 1803) [418]
Morgan (concluded) [419]
Morning Star [320]
Morning's Sweetness [305]
Mortality (Smith) [108] (aka "Canterbury New")
Mouldering Vine, The [221] (cf "Sons of Sorrow", page [341] )
Mount Bether [270] (aka "New Salem")
Mount Cumberland [230] [Midi] (aka "Cumberland")
Mount Helicon [228]
Mount Hor [433] (aka "Day of Judgment")
Mount Moro [336] (aka "Farewell")
Mount Olive (anon, 1807) [366]
Mount Olive (concluded) [367]
Mount Pleasant (Deolph, 1793) [434]
Mount Pleasant (concluded) [435]
Mount Sion (Bartholomew Brown, 1791) [431] (aka "Mount Zion")
Mourner [414]
Mutual Love [50]
Mutual Love (concluded) [51]
Namur [137]
Nashville (Alexander Johnson, 1821) [370]
Naxos [539]
Never Part* [80] (cf "Never Part Again" in The New Harp of Columbia)
New Britain [104]
New Canaan (Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music. Part Second,, 1813) [377] (originally called "Transport")
New Concord [227] (cf "True Happiness" in The Christian Harmony)
New Dover (anon. 1772) [199] (aka"Durham")
New Durham [136]
New Farewell [475] (aka "Parting Friends")
New Hope (Ananias Davisson, 1820) [242] [Midi]
New Hope* [187]
New Jersey [20]
New Jerusalem [120]
New Jerusalem* (Johnson's Tennessee Harmony, 1818) [408]
New Jerusalem* (concluded) [409]
New Jordan (The Easy Instructor, 1815) [398]
New Monmouth (L Chapin, 1812) [202]
New Orleans [65]
New Preston [364] [Midi] (aka "Oak Bowery")
New Preston (concluded) [365]
New Topia [87]
Newburg [215]
Newingham [263] (Billings called this tune "New Hingham")
Newport [115]
Ninety-Fifth (Patterson's Church Music, 1813) [60]
Ninety-Third (arranged Lucius Chapin, 1812) [422]
North Carolina [114]
North Cove [331]
North Orange (Julius Caswell, 1801) [439]
North Salem (Stephen Jenks, 1799) [146]
Northfield [60]
Norwich (Oliver Brownson, 1779) [201]
Nuremburg [247]
O Come, Come Away [472]
O Come, Come Away (concluded) [473]
O How Pleasant [451]
O Tell Me No More [268]
Oak's Creek (Nathaniel Billings, 1795) [54] [Midi]
Ocean (anon. 1787) [76]
Ode on Science [490]
Ode on Science (concluded) [491]
Ohio [294] (cf "The Grieved Soul")
Old Hundred (Psaumes de David, 1551) [1]
Old Ship of Zion, The* [355] [Midi]
Olivet [425]
Olivet (concluded) [426]
Olney [378]
One Glass More [545]
One Glass More (concluded) [546]
One Hundred and Nineteenth Psalm (Smith, 1793) [135]
Oregon [347]
Ortonville [31]
Palestine [248]
Palmyra [292] [Midi]
Palmyra (concluded) [293]
Paradise [400]
Paris [9]
Park Street [21]
Parsons [220]
Parting Friends* [318]
Parting Hand [46]
Parting Hand (concluded) [47]
Passover [15] [Midi]
Pastoral Elegy (A Knapp, 1810) [452]
Patmos [75]
Penitence* [118]
Penitent Prodigal, The [151]
Pennsville [251] [Midi]
Pentonville (Francis Linley, 1795) [314]
Perkins [101]
Peterborough [48]
Petersburg (William Billings, 1786) [445]
Philippi [10]
Pilgrim (The Missouri Harmony, 1820) [392] (cf "Conquering Soldier", page [315] )
Pilgrim Band [172] [Midi]
Pilgrim Fathers [551]
Pilgrim Fathers (second page) [552]
Pilgrim Fathers (concluded) [553]
Pilgrim's Farewell (anon. 1802) [358]
Pilgrim's Prayer [237]
Pilgrim's Triumph [92]
Pisgah (J C Lowry, 1817) [112] (cf "Christian Triumph", page [113] )
Pleyel's Hymn (Ignaz Joseph Pleyel) [167] [called "Pleyel's Hymn (Second)" in The Sacred Harp 1991) ]
Pleyel's Hymn Second (Ignaz Joseph Pleyel) [105] [called "Pleyel's Hymn (First)" in The Sacred Harp 1991) ]
Portsmouth [437]
Portugal [12]
Portuguese Hymn [378]
Portuguese Hymn (concluded) [379]
Prescott [347]
Preston [127]
Primrose [3]
Probation [342] (cf "The Christian Warfare")
Prodigal, The (Alexander Johnson, 1818) [150] (cf "Alabama", page [190] , also "Returning Prodigal, page [152] )
Prodigal Son*, The (ascribed to Josiah Moore in The Kentucky Harmony, 1816) [496]
Prodigal Son*, The (second page) [497]
Prodigal Son*, The (third page) [498]
Prodigal Son*, The (concluded) [499]
Promised Land, The (The Southern Harmony, 1835) [154]
Promised Land, The (another arrangement) [155]
Prospect [33]
Protection [53]
Providence (C Curtis, 1820) [125]
Psalm Forty-Sixth [423]
Rainbow (Timothy Swan, 1785) [93]
Raleigh [265]
Red Hill [110] (cf "Bethel")
Redeeming Grace (Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music. Part Second,, 1813) [262]
Redemption (arranged Ananias Davisson) [295] (aka "Redemption Hymn")
Reflection (arranged Ananias Davisson, 1817) [63]
Religious Contentment [206] (based on "The Cheat", English tune first published as a hymn tune in 1812)
Reneau [462]
Repentance (Rollo, 1796) [138]
Resolve, The [298]
Restoration [217]
Restoration* (Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music. Part Second,, 1813) [275]
Retirement [94]
Returning Prodigal [152] [Midi] (major mode version of "The Prodigal", page [150] )
Reverential Anthem [517]
Rhode Island (United States Sacred Harmony, 1799) [376]
Richmond (William Billings, 1778) [326]
Rindge [83]
Road's Town (Elkanah Kelsey Dare, 1813) [277] [Midi]
Roby [341]
Rochester (Israel Holdroyd, 1812) [3]
Rock of Ages [293]
Rock of Salvation [238]
Rock, The [312] (cf "The Rock That is Higher Than I")
Rockbridge [4]
Rockingham [55]
Rome (Timothy Swan) [212] [Midi]
Romish Lady, The [257]
Rose of Sharon [518]
Rose of Sharon (second page) [519]
Rose of Sharon (third page) [520]
Rose of Sharon (fourth page) [521]
Rose of Sharon (fifth page) [522]
Rose of Sharon (concluded) [523]
Rose Tree, The [399]
Royal Proclamation [468]
Royal Proclamation (another arrangement) [469]
Rusk [159]
Russia [26]
Sabbath School [465]
Sabbath Summons [42] [Midi]
Sabbath Summons (concluded) [43]
Saints Bound For Heaven [219]
Saint's Repose [424]
Saint's Repose (concluded) [425]
Salem [17]
Salem* [148]
Salutation [387]
Salvation [71]
Samantha (Humphreys, c1823) [271] (aka "Zion's Pilgrim")
Sardinia [91]
Sark [177]
Scale, The [488]
Schenectady [335]
Scotland (Nehemiah Shumway, 1793) [446]
Scotland (concluded) [447]
Scriptures Fulfilling [333]
Separation (Johnson's Tennessee Harmony, 1818) [170]
Separation (concluded) [171]
Sharon (Elisha West, 1793) [389]
Shed Not a Tear [478] (aka "When I Am Gone")
Shepherd [461]
Sherburne [74]
Sherburne (concluded) [75]
Shields (Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music. Part Second,, 1813) [339]
Shirland [214]
Sign of the Sons of Temperance (Stephen Foster, "Oh Susanna") [543] (aka "The Christian's Comfort")
Silver Spring (Federal Harmony, 1790) [133]
Silver Street (Isaac Smith, 1780) [236]
Sinai (Merit Woodruff, 1801) [456]
Sinai (concluded) [457]
Smyrna (Oliver Holden, 1796) [161]
Social Meeting [449] (aka "Invocation")
Soldier's Return, The [213]
Solemn Thought [225]
Solemn Warning [97]
Solemnity (two arrangements) [6] (Called "Marysville" in Cooper & J L White Sacred Harps)
Solicitation [304] [Midi]
Solicitude (Johnson's Tennessee Harmony, 1818) [408] (aka ""The Lord Will Provide" in Jeremiah Ingalls' The Christian Harmony, 1805)
Solitude in the Grove (Ananias Davisson, 1817) [166]
Solitude New (Elisha West, 1798) [85]
Sons of Sorrow [341] (cf "The Mouldering Vine", page [221] )
Sounding Joy [208]
South Union [324]
Southwell (Elihu Carpenter, 1786) [396]
Southwell (concluded) [397]
Sovereign Grace [165]
Spanish Hymn [449]
Sparkling and Bright [542]
Spiritual Sailor, The [298]
Spiritual Sailor, The (another arrangement) [299]
Spring (Smith, 1797) [337]
Spring Hill (Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music. Part Second,, 1813) [356] [Midi] (cf "Garden Hymn") [Midi]
Spring Place [260] [Midi]
Spring Valley (The Easy Instructor, Part II, 1803) [368] [Midi]
Spring Valley (concluded) [369]
St. Helen's (J Jennings, 1750) [440]
St. Martin's (Tans'ur) [56]
St. Thomas (Aaron Williams, 1770) [204]
Star in the East (two arrangements) [306] First Arrangement [Midi] Second Arrangement [Midi]
Star of Glory [307] (Melody same as "Star in the East", Cooper & J L White Sacred Harps, or "The Shepherd's Star", The Christian Harmony)
Star-Spangled Banner, The [549]
Sterling [205]
Stratfield [334]
Sudbury (Billings) [368] (repeat sign repositioned from Billings' original)
Suffering Saviour [54] [Midi]
Suffield [48]
Sunbury [179]
Sunday (Davis, 1801) [146]
Sunday (concluded) [147]
Sunday School Farewell [481]
Supplication* [5]
Surprise (M. Kyes, 1798) [126] [Midi]
Sussex [174]
Sutton [69]
Sutton New [70] (aka "Sutton")
Swedesboro' [229]
Sweet Gliding Kedron [305]
Sweet Hope [149]
Sweet Prospect [122]
Sweet Rivers [163]
Sweet Solitude (The Southern Harmony, 1835) [18]
Sweet Spring [471]
Symphony [405]
Tabor [168]
Taldega [269]
Tamworth [260]
Tempest [111]
Tender Thought [11]
Tennessee (The Virginia Sacred Musical Repository, 1818) [140] (cf "Communion"on this same page, also "Ragan")
Tennessee (concluded)[141]
Texas [216]
There's Not a Tint [480]
Third Creek [39] [Midi]
Thorn [123]
Thorny Desert [235]
Thou Art Passing Away [412]
Tippett [469]
Toccoa [101] (cf "Happiness" in The Southern Harmony)
Tranquillity [107]
Tribulation (Patterson's Church Music, 1813) [55]
True Love [379] [Midi]
True Riches [134] (cf "Cookham")
Trumbull [136]
Trumbull (concluded) [137]
Trumpet, The [252]
Tunbridge (Jacob Kimball) [88]
Turtle Dove, The [44]
Union (Alexander Gillet) [57]
Unitia [269]
Velasco [145] (aka "Jerusalem")
Vermont [142]
Vernon [352]
Versailles (Johnson's Tennessee Harmony, 1818) [162]
Vesper Hymn [477] (cf "Bequest" in The New Harp of Columbia)
Vesperia [30]
Vicksburg [153] (cf "Villulia")
Virginia [64]
Voice of Nature, The (Washburn) [24]
Volusia [245]
Wakefield [5]
Walsal [59]
Walworth (John Wainwright, 1761) [329]
Wanderer, The [308]
Wandering Sinner [249] [Midi]
War Department (The Southern Harmony, 1835) [277]
Warren [253]
Warren (different song) (The Christian Lyre, 1831) [148]
Warrenton (J Williams and William Walker, 1835) [443]
Warwick (Samuel Stanley, 1800) [71]
Warwick [386]
Washington [444]
Washington (William Edward Miller, 1800) [156] (aka "Band of Love")
Washington (concluded) [157]
Washington Badge [536] (cf "Sawyer's Exit")
Watchman! Tell Us of the Night [188]
Watchman's Call [38]
Watchman's Call (concluded) [39]
Watson [103]
Watts' Harp (A Supplement to the Kentucky Harmony, 1820) [411] [Midi]
Way to Zion [242]
Wells [9]
Welsh [346] (Welsh title of tune is Ar Hyd Y Nos ["All Through the Night] )
Wesley [66]
Westminster [89]
Wheeling [210] [Midi]
When Shall We Meet Again [484] (aka "Sweet Friendship")
Whitestown (Howd, 1800) [22]
Whitestown (concluded) [23]
Williams [143] (cf"Arnold") (cf "Solemn Warning" in The Christian Harmony, page 146)
Williamsburg [200]
Williamstown [14]
Wilson [79] [Midi]
Winburne [183] (aka "Supplication", "Humilitation", "Humility")
Winchester [139]
Windham [2]
Winter [52]
Witham [417]
Wondrous Love [234]
Woodland [383]
Woodstock [69]
World, Adieu [360]
Yarmouth [292]
Young Ladies' Farewell [261]
Zell [239]
Zion's Call [321]
Zion's Hill [228] ("Worcester" abridged)