1991 Denson Revision
to the Cooper book version of this tune
The Lord into His garden comes,
The spices yield their rich perfumes,
The spices yeild their rich perfumes,
The lilies grow and thrive;
Refreshing show'rs of grace divine
From Jesus flow to ev'ry vine,
From Jesus flow to ev'ry vine,
Which makes the dead revive.
O that this dry and barren ground
In springs of water may abound,
In springs of water may abound,
A fruitful soil become;
The desert blossoms as the rose,
While Jesus conquers all His foes,
While Jesus conquers all His foes,
And makes His people one.
Come, brethren, ye that love the Lord,
Who taste the sweetness of His word,
Who taste the sweetness of His word,
In Jesus' ways go on.
Our troubles and our trials here
Will only make us richer there,
Will only make us richer there,
When we arrive at home.
The glorious time is rolling on,
The gracious work is now begun,
The gracious work is now begun,
My soul a witness is;
I taste and see the pardon free
For all mankind, as well as me,
For all mankind, as well as me,
Who come to Christ may live.